WOW!! some Amazing Changes our 2019 Story
/As a villa owner, its important to us to keep out home lookimg fresh and up to date.
This doesnt come easy or cheap… in reality we are thousands of miles away working full time jobs as well and managing guests, bookings and all that goes with keeping our home looking fab. Having a good support team in Florida is important too.
So what changes have we made since we bought in December2015
Our first job was to replace bedding & towels, TVs and remove the plastic planting ( A personal pet hate of ours and huge dust collectors… Ok so I kept two smaller plants), we only had 4 days on our first trip and filled our time just making these small changes
Then the following winter (November 2016) out came all the carpets - which had seen better days thats for sure. So prior to our arrival a month later we had some great people come in and rip out the old carpet and lay a wooden effect floor (LVP), easy to clean and manage .. we also got the interior painted, from the dull looking white to some modern shades of grey with accent walls for each room to match the bedding we had previously chosen (now when I choose new bedding it has to match the walls) we left the kitchen half white as choosing colours to match the units from pictures alone was quite a task
We arrived again in the December of 2016, and were really pleased with the new decoration and now was time to update the wall art, we had inherited all the furniture and pictures and we had to work on our priorities, so with some spray paint and some new inserts to create a more modern look from the traditonal Florida palm tree images for the 80s and 90s
plus on this trip… handles for the kitchen units (they didnt have any) new dual shower heads and some other little touches… what will be next (oh yes a whopping great big tree to be removed that was dying and pulling up the front yard) and some rugs for each room, to soften the new floor
Next trip now year on its December 2017 and with it came a complete new bedroom in one of the twins so we could now accomodate 3 in that room and a revamp on the bathroom cabinets to cheer them up a bit. Also we decided to have the family bathroom re tiled in a more modern tile and the queen ensuite ripped out to be a walk in shower and re tiled … the fun never ends and there is always painting, touching up and replacing sheets, towels etc… we also brought curtains and curtain poles from home in Andys golf bag and hung new curtains in each room to create a more homely place for our guests - that was a task choosing at home and cutting poles to fit the windows and luggage to get them there
And so we get to December 2018…. two bedrooms got a make over new beds and furnture in the twin room and the Queen bedroom along with new mirrors and lamps throughout… the kitchen got a splash of colour whilst enjoying a few pina coladas and the games room floor got repainted along with a splash of yellow on the walls and a re jig of art work.. We also up cycled an old bedroom dressing table to store games and toys int he room creating a sort of bar / saloon like effect - Andy also painted the pool deck and we got a second set of outside furniture so seating for a full house…
in addition we have added new ceiling lights & fans to the lounge and master bedroom, painted outside the white trim and generally kept busy each visit with deep cleans and touching up… its not all holiday but we love that our new guests get to enjoy the fresh look we do at the start of each season and our repeat guests get to see some upgrades and that we still love and care for our home
Whats next… who knows what this year will bring, but you can be sure that all the images on our website will be currnt as of our prevous visit usually the start of each new year … below are some before and after images from the month we bought until present for a full current set of our images, please browse the website
Nov 2015
Queen with Bedroom ensuite
Jan 2019
Queen bedrom with ensuite
Dec 2015
Family Lounge
Jan 2019
Family Lounge
Dec 2015
The Games Room
Jan 2019
The Games Room
Dec 2015
The Pool & deck
Jan 2019
The pool & deck
Dec 2015
One of the twin rooms
Jan 2019
The twin room now a triple